Tuesday, March 10, 2020

          Life is full of hardships and problems. Being tired is not the answer. But what if you have depression, what will you do? I believe that there are types of depression, it is mild and serious, what are they? And where will mild and serious depression lead?

          Depression is a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal. It can lead to serious problem if this condition can't be healed on time. There are types of depression: the first one is the mild depression can be controlled just like my friend who overcome it by the help of herself by accepting and loving it, and also by the help of her idol songs taught her how to love herself. Now she is happy and not feeling sad, lonely, hopeless, and unimportant anymore. The second one is the serious depression that can lead to a serious problem which can lead to parasuicide and worst suicide. Parasuicide is when the person is trying to kill yourself but not until you die, it can be making scars near your pulse. Suicide is the act of killing yourself because you do not want to continue living. Depression can be caused of the problems you think you can't handle, being by yourself all the time because you think that your not welcome to their world. You need to think positive at all times and think the people around you that loves you, you just don't know. Do not focus to just yourself but also to your surrounding because you have family, friends and God who always there for you.

          Depression can be cured but first you need to love yourself, share your problems and don't keep it, and search for hobbies your interested with to distract you. Life is not all about happiness all the time. You also need to face challenges you need to deal with it. The most important is what you learn from it and the experience, and when that challenges occurs again you know how to solve it or deal with it.

          Life is full of hardships and problems. Being tired is not the answer. But what if you have depression, what will you do? I belie...